Boardgame-ul Myth - Romanian Tales creat de Sara Torrijos (Madrid, Spania) - grafic designer, și digitalizat în colaborare cu Alin Lupu (satul Buznea, România) - ITst, include desene realizate împreună cu 12 tineri artiști și liceeni români. Acestea întruchipează la propunerea tinerilor implicați în rezidențe, cele mai cunoscute 22  de personaje din mitologia românească. 

Jocul în format fizic are numeroase variante de utilizare. Fiecare dintre cele 22 de personaje are o super-putere. O variantă de joc este ca tinerii să extragă câte o carte cu un personaj, un tip de acțiune și un ajutor secret. Sarcina poate fi de exemplu, să transforme balada Miorița într-o aventură, introducând-o pe Baba Dochia și o baghetă magică. Jocul este disponibil în limba engleză.

Boardgame Characters

Baba Dochia

A mythical being believed to be the cause of stormy and tempestuous days at the beginning of March: Baba Dochia is considered the head of spring.

The Mischievous Horse

In Romanian folkloric mythology, it has a dual meaning: a flying horse and an advisor to the hero. It is often depicted with various magical objects in its ears: a brush that, when thrown aside, transforms into an impenetrable forest, a stone or a ring from which a mountain emerges, and a wall that cannot be climbed.

There are instances of its multiple functionalities: heating or cooling, acting as a nostril, a royal bath, ground transport, aerospace, or even gliding between realms; at other times, the Mischievous Horse becomes a skilled battle chariot that self-pilots during fast fights against enemies (such as Zmeu, Scorpia, and Ghionoaia), securing its rider the most advantageous strategic positions.

Capra (Goat)

Capra is a traditional Romanian folk costume worn during a song and dance performance that takes place door to door during holiday periods. The performance is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

Goats in the performance dance, expend their vital energy, "die" symbolically, and are then "reborn." This symbolizes a ritual of regeneration and the continuity of life.

Cerbul cu opt picioare (The Stag with Eight Legs)

Cerbul cu opt picioare is a creature that combines traits from several species: it has deer antlers and a goat's beard, along with tufts of hair on its back that some researchers interpret as wings. The abundance of limbs is a sign of the supernatural, as it signifies abnormality. This fantastic stag is found on four silver Getic chalices.


These are creatures present in Romanian folklore, depicted as female spirits (iele). Folk beliefs describe them as capable of causing dust storms and strong winds, similar to harpies. They are said to reside in forests, the air, and deep lakes, traveling in a special cart.


Greuceanu is a hero of Romanian folklore. He is a brave young man who discovers that the Sun and the Moon have been stolen by dragons (zmei). After a fierce battle with the three dragons and their wives (zmeoaice), Greuceanu sets the Sun and the Moon free, restoring light to the people on Earth.

Luceafărul (The Evening Star)

Luceafărul is a term used in Romanian folklore to represent the brightest evening star, typically Venus or Jupiter, depending on the time of year and location of the planets during dusk.

Luceafărul is also a phonetic variant of Lucifer, derived from the Latin words "lux" (light) and "ferre" (to bring). In poetic terms, Lucifer can still be used in English as a term for Venus, especially as the morning star heralding sunrise.

Lupul (The Wolf)

Wolves hold symbolic importance in Romanian folklore, and various legends are derived from the ancestral appreciation of this animal. The wolf is considered an important and mystical creature in Romanian culture, with over 30 festivals dedicated to wolves throughout the year.

In Romanian mythology, the wolf's mouth is associated with the cave, darkness, and hell. Additionally, the wolf is considered a guide to the realm of the dead, and some legends speak of an encounter with the wolf as an initiatory experience leading the human soul to heaven.


Marțolea is an unclean being, resembling a woolly goat with a human-like head and speech. It has short and thick horns on its head and hooves like a horse instead of nails like regular goats. It can change its appearance, turning into various forms, including a handsome young man, an old woman dressed in white clothes, a foreign woman, a large black and ugly woman, a horse, or a soldier.


Miorița is considered one of the most representative creations of Romanian folklore, with a pastoral character symbolizing the continuity of the Romanian people. The song's genesis provides insights into the culture and ethnographic realities of traditional Romanian society.

Moș Bască

Moș Bască is a dwarf with a beret who is said to live in a small basement room and punishes late payers by stealing their flowers from the staircase.

Muma Pădurii

Muma Pădurii is an ugly, wild witch who lives deep in the forest and frightens people. This character is based on old magical beliefs, superstitions, or figurative representations of natural forces, which have lost their original meaning, acquiring only a poetic and fantastic value.

Pasărea Unicorn (The Unicorn Bird)

The Pasărea Unicorn from Geto-Dacian mythology is akin to the Blue Bird, depicted on ornaments worn by kings, dominating the landscape while holding a rabbit in its claws and a fish in its beak. The unicorn bird possesses a supernatural attribute, the horn, representing a divine being that rules over the atmosphere, the earth, and the aquatic environment.


In its female form, Samca is depicted with a large, ugly, and crooked mouth that spits fire. It is believed to appear at the end of each month, around the full moon, and usually frightens children under the age of four, causing immediate sickness. The illness children develop after encountering Samca is called "the children's malice."


Solomonar is a magician or sorcerer with the ability to control clouds and rain. They are believed to have the power to make hail fall and cure diseases. Popular mythology suggests that Solomonari have a certain book containing all their knowledge and power.

Tatăl Pădurii (Father of the Forest)

Tatăl Pădurii is a great god with both good and bad aspects. He can punish thieves while helping those in need, guiding lost children on the right path. He is believed to know all the trees in the forest, calling them by name or nickname. However, he curses them to be cut down by humans or struck by lightning if they bother him.

Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great)

Ștefan cel Mare is regarded as an outstanding figure in Romanian history, known for his qualities as a statesman, diplomat, and military leader. During his reign, Moldova reached the peak of its state development, experiencing stability, economic prosperity, and social tranquility.

Verde Împărat (Green King)

Verde Împărat is the father of Harap Alb. In the story, he learns that the daughter of Roșu Împărat (Red King) is in danger, facing a monster. To test his sons, Verde Împărat disguises himself as a bear. The youngest son, who shows bravery and almost kills the "bear," is recognized as the truly courageous one and is allowed to travel to the other side of the world to marry the daughter of Roșu Împărat.


Zburătorul is a fantastic evil spirit that torments unmarried girls and recently married women in their sleep at night. In romantic literature, the term "zburător" symbolizes missing the beloved man or intense love for the beloved. Zburătorul is believed to be a man who, during his life, was rejected by a woman. After his death, he haunts and makes women on Earth fall in love with him, especially the one who rejected him. He is considered the symbol of unrequited love.

Zmeul (The Dragon)

Although some sources refer to it as a dragon, the Zmeul is distinct in that it often exhibits clear anthropomorphic traits: humanoid appearance with legs, arms, the ability to create and use artifacts such as weapons, ride a horse, and a desire to marry young girls. Some classify it as a giant (similar to an ogre), a devil, or even a vampire.

In certain stories, Zmeul appears in the sky and breathes fire, or it has the ability to change its form. In other accounts, it possesses a magical precious stone on its head that shines like the sun.


Zorilă is the personification of dawn in Romanian folk tales or a fantastic animal that appears at dawn. Murgilă, Miazănoapte, and Zorilă are three characters that chase each other without ever meeting, representing the passage of time.

Urși (Bears)

In Romania, where more than half of Europe's brown bear population resides, the animal symbolizes strength and courage. Various local stories attribute symbolic importance to wolves. Throughout the year, Romanians have more than 30 festivals dedicated to wolves, signifying the significant and mystical role of the animal in Romanian culture.

Please note that these descriptions provide an overview of the various characters and creatures from Romanian folklore and may not encompass all interpretations and variations found in different stories and regions.

Varianta digitală a jocului Myth, dezvoltată de Alin Lupu (România) vă provoacă să identificați cărțile identice pentru a descoperi poveștile a opt personaje mitologice românești, narate de Wasan Abusummaqah (Iordania).